Special Presentation by local Bird Experts
Risky Business: How birds and other species
become designated “at risk” in Canada
Thursday, October 24 - 7:00 PM
Salt Spring Public Library
Join us for a special presentation about innovative bird conservation work at the local, provincial, national levels by Salt Spring bird specialists, Dr. Louise Blight and Pete Davidson.
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) is the independent scientific body that evaluates national conservation status of native species in this country. Louise and Pete are members of COSEWIC's Birds Specialist Subcommittee and they will describe COSEWIC's assessment approaches, particularly as these relate to birds and bird conservation in Canada. They will describe how some of the birds, other animals, and plants, familiar to us here on Salt Spring came to be listed under the Species at Risk Act, how many of you contributed to this process, and, if you are not already involved, how you can engage for the first time.
Louise is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the UVic School of Environmental Studies and is co-chair of the COSEWIC Bird Specialist Subcommittee. Pete is the Interim Vice-President for Science and Monitoring at Birds Canada and is a member of the Bird Specialist Subcommittee of COSEWIC.