Become a Member - Or Renew Your Membership
For more information about the benefits of Membership, click here.
Membership Fees:
Individual ($30) Youth ($20) Family ($40)
We accept Membership fees by cash, cheque or by e-transfer.
Memberships are valid for one Calendar Year starting on March 1.
(Financial assistance is available)
Membership Forms
You are not officially a Member of Nature Salt Spring until you have Paid Membership Fees AND submitted both a Membership Form (Page 1) and a Risk Waiver (Assumption of Risk) Form (Page 2). We provide both forms combined in either paper format or pdf format.
Paper Forms
If you prefer to fill out paper application forms, they are available at Apple Photo,
115 Fulford-Ganges Rd, Salt Spring. Our box is at the entrance to the left.
PDF Forms - Fill and submit electronically (or print)
Click here for a PDF file of the Membership and Risk Waiver Forms.
Note: Depending on your computer type, browser type, and settings - your PDF file may:
1) open in another browser tab, or
2) auto-download to your Downloads Folder, or
3) generate a dialog box asking where to save the file
Note: Drop off Paper Forms at Apple Photo (NSS box just inside door)
Electronic PDF forms should be emailed to NatureSaltSpring@gmail.com
By Cash or Check: In a labeled envelope, deposit your cash or cheque securely in the locked Nature Salt Spring box at Apple Photo. Include your combined paper Membership and Waiver Forms (see below) if you did not submit them by email.
By e-transfer: From your bank (or credit union) account, setup your e-transfer to go to: transferNSS@gmail.com. Please indicate on the e-transfer form that your payment is for Membership and whether you submitted the Combined Forms (Membership + Release) by email to NatureSaltSpring@gmail.com or on paper at the Apple Photo drop box.