Donations and Grants

As a not-for-profit organization our programs are delivered thanks to the support of memberships and donations. With exciting visions of a broad range of nature-engaging activities and facilities, we greatly benefit from donations and grants.

Your donation to Nature Salt Spring benefits both you and the community:

  • Help support the important work of deepening Islanders' connection with nature.

  • Donations help us provide increased access to educational opportunities and ensure that these opportunities remain available and accessible to the community.

  • By supporting Nature Salt Spring, you are helping to promote environmental awareness and education which can lead to more informed and sustainable practices among community members.

  • Supporting us can help bring people together and create a shared sense of purpose among Islanders who share a passion for nature.

We accept donations via cheque or e-Transfer. We regret that we cannot issue tax receipts for your donation at this time.

Donate Via e-Transfer

You may e-Transfer your donation from your bank or credit union as follows:

  1. Send your e-Transfer to

  2. This is an auto-deposit and does not require a password.

Donate Via Cheque

  1. Deposit your cheque in our drop-off box at Apple Photo (121 McPhillips Ave). The box is located near the front door.

  2. You can mail your cheque to: Nature Salt Spring, 156 Harrison Ave., Salt Spring, BC, V8K 2N3

If you have any questions about making a donation please contact us.