October 27 - Forests! And their Trees, the Best Keepers of Stories
with Kathleen Maser
When: Sunday, October 27
Time: 10 – 11:30 am
A Family Event, Co-sponsored with NatureKids BC
Registration Required - Register with Kathleen, khmaser@shaw.ca
On the lower reaches of Erskine Mountain, the forest is unique – amazingly different from other parts of Salt Spring. Near the beginning of the trail there are deciduous trees and many young conifers starting out on their journey in life. We will learn several species, and focus especially on the Hemlock, which is surprisingly prolific in this location.
These trees are fascinating ‘to read’ and it is great fun to learn to determine their age. They hold secrets and tales of their life’s journey from a seedling. Learning to read the signs, we will make connections to the kids’ lives. We’ll do some storytelling and writing too, both real and imaginative as there may be fairies about!
Our trail begins off Trustees Trail and we will not travel too far, perhaps only a kilometre or so. Afterwards you may want to take your family up to the lookouts or go on a search for fairy doors.
Be sure to dress for the weather.
After several years during the seventies as a Park Naturalist in Cathedral Grove, Kathleen Maser remains enchanted by the beauty of our forests and loves to share its intricacies.