On Saturday, May 15, join us for a free live presentation by local Gulf Island geologist, Dr. Steven Earle. This event, sponsored by Nature Salt Spring, will start at 7:00 PM at the Salt Spring Library Program Room. In the interest of health safety for the speaker and all attending, we request that masks be worn inside the presentation room.
Dr. Earle will discuss portions of his new book – A Brief History of the Earth’s Climate: Everyone’s Guide to the Science of Climate Change. The book is an accessible, illustrated, myth-busting guide to the natural evolution of the Earth’s climate over 4.6 billion years. Earle will explain how and why human-caused global warming and climate change are different and more dangerous than previous natural changes in Earth’s climate, and he’ll discuss how to counter skeptics and deniers with sound science.
Steven Earle has taught geology, earth sciences, and climate history for almost 40 years. He is author of a widely used geology textbook, Physical Geology, now in its second edition.
Earle is a model climate activist in his community on Gabriola Island. He participates in climate change research and community engagement with climate change solutions including low-carbon transport initiatives, heating systems, and land stewardship. He lives with his family on a sustainable farm and will travel by bicycle from his home to Salt Spring.
If you are interested in the fascinating geological stories to be discovered on a beach walk, then why not join one of two Geology Natural History Beach Walks led by Dr. Earle. The first walk is oriented especially for families with children on May 14, 11am-12:30. The second walk takes place on May 15, 10:30-12:30 and is open to everyone.