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The Secret Lives of Vultures Presentation with Dave Manning

  • Lions Hall 103 Bonnet Avenue Ganges, BC, V8K 2K8 Canada (map)

On Friday September 29, Pender Island Naturalist, Dave Manning will present the Secret Lives of North American Vultures, at the Lions Hall, starting at 7:00 pm.

This richly-illustrated presentation includes spectacular bird photography and fascinating insights resulting from years of careful observation of these enigmatic scavengers. Manning has presented on this topic to many Natural History organizations around the Province, receiving universal acclaim.

He is the author of “The Old Man and the Vultures” an endearing book about vulture natural history focused mainly on Turkey Vultures. His studies provided valuable understandings about the unusual habits of these iconic scavengers in the Gulf Islands. Manning is one of the few researchers who has made detailed observations of turkey vulture nesting and he has observed over 35 chicks fledge from the nest. Manning’s fascinating book will be available at the presentation.

This Nature Salt Spring Presentation is open to the community. Please invite your nature-loving family and friends. Donations appreciated to cover costs. A membership table will be set up for new and renewing members.

Mark your calendars for this presentation at the Lions Hall, Friday, September 29, 7:00pm.

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