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Early Morning Birding

Who’s up for early morning birding?

When: Every Monday in May
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 a.m.
Location: Burgoyne Provincial Park/Xwaaqw’um. Meet up by the barns on the left, halfway down the road leading into the park.

Join us early in the morning to hear the delightful melodies of our local birds, in beautiful Xwaaqw’um, Burgoyne provincial Park, where we birders walk, listen and learn. Enjoy the most magical sound of the season, the sunrise chorus - a captivating, perfectly tuned concert.

What’s it all about? You will be part of a group, including skilled birders who will guide the walk to birding hotspots at Xwaaqw’um. Guidance on binoculars and using them effectively will be shared. As we tune into a particular song you will learn tips on how to spot the bird. You will learn the unique characteristics for identifying birds, separating one from another. With migratory birds passing through, every week is different. You will be surprised by how quickly your knowledge will grow! You will leave with an appetite to return (not to mention for breakfast)!

Why a Monday? Why not! You will begin your week in song and be uplifted!

Inclement weather: Every birder makes their own decision as to whether to come out should it be raining or windy. Many experienced birders will scoot gleefully back into bed on those mornings!

Registration is not required. Just show up!

Questions? Email us at

May 22

Early Morning Birding

June 3

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